Monday, January 27, 2014

Letter #1


Dear Dad,

Hi.  Haven't heard from me for awhile, have you?  We've never communicated like this.  Sure I wrote letters from college, from London, but they were for the whole family.  This is just for you. 

You know what tomorrow is?  Yeah, the anniversary.  It looks like it will be a sunny day here, like it was then.  It was beautiful out today, not that I went outside.  No wind, no rain, just sunshine, low 50s.

I bet you'd like an update.  Sure you know the basics.  I'm sure you hang around sometimes, no matter how painful it is.  Or maybe you've left us for good.  I don't blame you, really.  That's what M. was talking about, escape.  Escape from the daily grind.  I said, how do you know that?  What if the afterlife is paying your bills, not twice a month, but every day.  It might be worse than here, not better.  She wasn't really listening, she was high, medical marijuana, I'm pretty sure.

It's just more of the same around here.  Mom is caregiving, some really ancient guy, who gives her hell.  Chris is excited about the Seahawks in the Super Bowl.  I'm listening to Spotify, a computer music thing-a-ma-jig.  And writing, writing to you.  I miss you.  I can't speak for anyone else.  It hasn't been mentioned.  I've mentioned it, to others, not family.  The "nuclear unit" is fine, I guess.  No one's yelled yet today.  That's good, isn't it?

I'll tell you more tomorrow.  You were always entertained by my crazy friends.  The cast changed.  The storyline has altered a bit too.  Put in a good word for me, OK? 



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