Hi Dad,
I haven't written to you for awhile. That doesn't mean nothing has been happening in my life. The roads must roll! (weird sci-fi reference) I went to Mental Health First Aid class and Connections Support Group training. The first is going to be helpful, no doubt. I'm having second thoughts about doing the support group. We'll see. We meaning me and J. She is not ready to start it up yet, plus May is not looking good for that either.
I'm signed up (finally) to take the Entrepreneurship/Small Business program. For the first month at least, May. I'm ambivalent about it. Part of me would just like to crawl into a hole and pull it in after me! That part of me is tired of trying and never getting anywhere. The other part of me is, dare I say it, a little bit excited about this program. I'll see how it goes.
random photo:
I didn't write all 30 poems for the April poem-a-day challenge. I think I wrote 17. That's 17 more than I would have wrote if I hadn't tried. April never seems to work out as well as the November challenge, not sure why.
It always helps to write to you. I've had a bad couple of days, friendship troubles. They've (sort of) been resolved. So I feel better now. Regular programming will resume tomorrow. I hope! It was really hot today, around 80 F. I spent part of the afternoon in the garage reading. Sending cosmic hugs to you, wherever you are.
All for now.
Sleep well...
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