Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Essential Oil Blends

I bought the essential oil blends from Edens Garden
Then mixed a few drops in with sweet almond oil.  I got the little bottles from the same place.  Most of these are for me.  The one with the tag is for a friend of my mom's with breathing problems.  I ran out of carrier oil (the sweet almond oil) so can't make any more until next month.  The blends and single oils are affordable too.

The Breathe Easier one is really helping my allergies.  I just rub some (that I diluted) on my chest and wrists.  I feel like a mad scientist!  The Stress Relief one helped me focus on writing poems for the April poem-a-day challenge when I was all stressed out.  I'm having so much fun with this!

Here's what the original oil blends look like (from the Edens Garden website):

Set of Bookmarks finished

I just have to get these laminated.   They will be gifts for friends.

DIY Planner: 1st Full Week in April

I went with a "Dark Egg" on the left, and stenciled Chinese characters for Love and Joy on the right.

My favorite is this Joy stenciled with marker and watercolor.