Sunday, February 16, 2014

Letter #22

Hi Dad,

I'm having a weird day.  I was all angsty this morning and afternoon, but I've mellowed out.  It helped that I worked on my Visual Journal for awhile.  I got the journal pages mixed up again; it's definitely not in order by date.  I used up one of the glue sticks.  I have to get more of those!  I've been mostly thinking about Art Journaling today, off and on. I got a couple books from the library about altered art and and art journaling.  The pages are just too perfect in this one book.  You might as well make your own greeting cards if you are going to all that trouble.  And I didn't really understand the point of the altered art, that's what W. does.  It's cool, but kinda weird, all those altered dolls and game boards, etc.

So anyway, my eyes are being opened to a whole new kind of art, rather unexpectedly.  I'm having a very creative week.  Didn't get much homework done, however.  The weather is making me a little stir-crazy, I'll admit that.  Two days of downpour.  I hope tomorrow is nicer, not so much rain.  I'm working out some of my problems/issues in my journal pages.  Like Week 6!  Oh, you'll have to wait a little to see that one.  It's a little embarrassing.  I just went off.  Of course, my handwriting is not the greatest.  Some of these ladies have beautiful handwriting. 

Here is Week 2:  Somewhere, A Simple Place.  It's just a happy butterfly-filled place with butterfly trails.  I added the trails because the glittery bits didn't look very good.  I really like this one.  It makes me happy, even if it isn't "Art" with a capital A.

I got caught up on the first 6 weeks of prompts.  I don't know what I'll take pictures of next week. Any ideas?  Oh yeah, I made Lemon-Almond Shortbread this morning.  I have a picture of that too:

Yummy!  There's an informal NAMI meeting tomorrow night.  We're going to watch a movie.  We haven't decided which one yet.  It should be interesting.  Mom said she probably won't go.  She's more a talker than a part of the audience.  No kidding, right?  I beat her at cards again.  She still loves Spite & Malice, whether she wins or not.  Chris made turkey soup and dumplings for dinner.  It was pretty good.

That's about it. B. has been on my mind a lot lately.  I doubt that will ever work out.  :(   Have a good night.

Sleep well...



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