Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Letter #29

Hi Dad,

With the rain and all, I think we are all going a little stir-crazy.  Mom was reading out of the New York Times and Chris had a cow, a major cow.  I think Mom finally got it through her thick head that nobody wants to hear her read snippets of articles, not to mention a whole article out loud.  You may have read to her and she may have read to you, but us kids hate it.  My brother is just more vocal about it.

I'm supposed to have a chat with the other poets right now, but no one is in the chat room but me.  I wonder if everyone forgot.  It's Tuesday night.  I was in the new chat rooms, everyone else was in the old chat rooms.  I found my chat!

I got a couple of books from Amazon today.  One is on stenciling.  It has neat stencils, plus project ideas and directions.  Here's a picture of that one:

The other book is a body image book with a daily reading, reflection and sometimes an activity.  This is that book:

I'm going to share my journal responses to "Beautiful You" on here, unless they're uber personal. I don't seem to have a lot to write about lately.

From "Beautiful You":

Day 1:  Begin

"What are your hopes-personally and for the world-with regard to body image and beauty perception?"

My hopes for the world is that we will all see through the lies of advertising and start to develop our own style and substance, not to mention seeing the beauty in each other and in everything , especially nature.  For myself, I hope to be able to see my own beauty, even when I don't feel beautiful or are all dolled up.

"How can you begin to live your hopes today?"

I could look in the mirror and say, "I'm beautiful just the way I am," and try to believe it.  I could take some pictures of ordinary objects like books (did that), for example.  I could question my need for approval and try to access inner approval or approval from a spiritual source.

I guess I'm doing the last.  I do feel your love and approval, Dad, even though you are long gone.  Which is more dependable than any earthly approval.

Well, here's another drawing, just for sh*** and giggles:

We are making progress in our chat.  It's always worthwhile to chat with my poetry buds.

Sleep well...



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