Sunday, December 28, 2014

DIY Planner: 4th Week of December 2014

 There is no theme for this week, although I did use a lot of green and contrasting colors.

Thursday's is red Christmas lettering (which doesn't show in this picture) on a green background.  It looks like a Christmas cloud that's raining glitter, which is somehow apt for the holiday.

Monday's hot air balloon interior, Tuesday's mosque and Friday's tree frog are all drawn from a National Geographic book called "Color," a book of photographs.  The other days are pretty random.

While before I was doing these in the morning, because it's a working planner, I started doing them at night after I checked off a few tasks.  It's fun just doing one square a day.  I will be using the National Geographic book in the future for things to draw.

Thanks for looking!



  1. I really like your journal entries and art work, Anne! It's so good to follow some sort of structure in a journal, as if this also keeps a structure to your life. Keep up the great (art)work!

  2. Thank you, Raymonde! I don't really know what I'm doing, but that makes it fun... LOVE Anne
