Saturday, April 16, 2016

On Paper

On Paper

No empty vessel
waiting to be filled.

Put a ring on it
or not.

Lavish weddings,
a teenage dream.

We could get a flat together,
or not.

For the first 22 years of my life
I believed in happy marriages,
like the tooth fairy, something
under the pillow, in trade.

1st anniversary, is paper.

But it's only been 5 months,
this love affair.

I answer the door
dressed only in my gaudies.

April 16, 2016

prompt:  poem with 4 of 8 words
(flat, ring, lavish, vessel, paper, blacklist, gaudy, tooth)

Inside Voice

Inside Voice

Following my dreams around
like a sad-faced puppy.

Every time I take a break
ambition pokes me in the ribs.

"You're better than this.  You can do better.
You could really be special."

All I've ever wanted
was to be like everyone else.

Failed miserably.

Just let me be me.
Whoever that is.

April 16, 2016

prompt:  time out poem

Last Time

Last Time

was sweet.

Sunburned love
in a king-size bed.

It was almost romantic.

My credit card took a hit.

Not about the money,
no matter how hard
you try to convince me.

More to life than that.

like the last time.

April 16, 2016

prompt:  last (blank)

Blood Sport

Blood Sport

Unlikely opponents
with boxing gloves duct-taped
to their wrists resting between
rounds in their respective corners.

Sweat dripping.

Thank God for the safety cones
so they don't hurt themselves.

Me, the referee, stripes and a whistle.
(I hate this game.)
No one responds when I blow.

The count is at 3.

They both stagger up, circling
each other one more time.

April 16, 2016

prompt:  serious or silly poem

He's With Me

He's With Me

It's obvious to everyone.
He's with me.

But to the oblivious
who squint their eyes tight
and wish him away,
all I have to say is:

"He's with me."

Maybe me and my Mercury
will disappear one day.

I know what you'll miss more.

Until then,
he's with me.

April 16, 2016

prompt:  defensive poem

Mostly Happy

Mostly Happy

Happy most of the time.
It annoys people who are unhappy
most of the time.

48 Days of Happy, all I could muster,
out of 75.

Where did this sunny
disposition come from?

I remember storms and lightning,
thunder showers and tornados.

That was then.

It's spring, the sun is out,
not a cloud in the sky.

And I'm mostly happy.

April 16, 2016

prompt:  emotion poem